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California Kitchen Pizza Register For The Cpkids Birthday Club

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California Pizza Kitchen (NASDAQ CPKI), known within the food industry as CPK, is a casual dining restaurant chain that specializes in California-style pizza. The restaurant was started in 1985 by attorneys Rick Rosenfield and Larry Flax in Beverly Hills, California, United States. The chain is widely known for its innovative and non traditional pizzas, such as the “Original BBQ Chicken Pizza”, BLT, Thai Chicken, and Jamaican Jerk Chicken pizzas. They also serve various kinds of pasta, salads, soups, sandwiches and desserts. They have an extensive childrens menu for children ages 10 and under which includes a variety of different pizzas, pastas, salad, and chicken. The chain has over 230 locations in 32 US states and eleven other countries, including 26 California Pizza Kitchen ASAP kiosks designed to serve passengers at airports and shopping malls. The company licensed its name to Kraft Foods to distribute a line of premium frozen pizzas. Nestle purchased Krafts pizza lines in 2010. In 1985, Flax and Rosenfield pooled $200,000 in bank loans and savings along with $350,000 invested from friends to lease space on Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills, California. Almost immediately the restaurant was a success, and the company expanded throughout Southern California. By 1992, there were 26 CPKs.

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