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PetSmart, Inc. (NASDAQ:  PETM) is a retail chain doing business in the United States and Canada engaged in the sale of specialty pet supplies and services such as grooming and dog training, PetSmart PetsHotel dog and cat boarding facilities and Doggie Day Care. PetSmart was founded in 1986 and opened its first two stores in 1987 under the name PetFood Warehouse in the Phoenix area. In 1989 the name and logo changed from PetFood Warehouse to PETsMART. PetSmart continued to grow and in 1993 went public on the NASDAQ stock exchange listed under the symbol PETM. In 1994, PetSmart formed PetSmart Charities, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending euthanasia and finding homes for homeless pets. made its debut in 1996. In early 2000, PetSmart remodeled most of its stores in a plan they called “Eagle” which changed many of its stores from a front-half storefront, back-half warehouse feel to an all-over standard retail market, in hopes of not intimidating customers.

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