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Yarrah Organic Pet Food Sample

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Yarrah Organic Petfood is suitable for any dog or cat, irrespective of its age or breed. The use of organic ingredients avoids the development of food allergies and problems with the digestive organs. Except the snacks for dogs, all Yarrah products are complete meals. This means our food products contain all the required vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the right proportions. The main source of protein is chicken, which yields high-quality proteins, is digested well by practically all dogs and cats and is very tasty. Yarrah canned food for cats and dogs also contain seaweeds and spirulina, which improves coat condition and vitality, enhances resistance to illness and promotes recovery after exertion or illness. Because of our high quality ingredients, the acceptance of our products remains very high. Yarrah Pet Food ensures that your dog or cat stays in excellent condition!

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