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Aveeno is a manufacturer of skin care and hair care products in the United States and is a subsidiary of American consumer goods and pharmaceutical company Johnson Johnson. Aveeno was founded in 1945, and its first product was their Soothing Bath Treatment. Aveeno is known for its use of “active natural” ingredients and offers products to treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, pruritus ani, chicken pox, hives, and sunburn. The name Aveeno is derived from the scientific name for the common oat, Avena sativa. Aveeno was originally made by Rydelle Laboratories, a division of S.C. Johnson Son, which dropped the Rydelle name in 1989, and again was purchased by Johnson Johnson in 1999. William C. Weldon, Chairman CEO

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