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Sephora Lip Color in JC Penny

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Sephora is a chain of cosmetics stores founded in France in 1970 and acquired by Paris-based conglomerate LVMH (Louis Vuitton and Moet Hennessy) in 1997. The Sephora chain includes more than 750 stores in 17 countries. Carrying over 250 brands, including Sephoras own private label, the store offers cosmetic and beauty items that include makeup, skin care, fragrance, bath and body, hair product, and hair and make-up tools. Sephora opened its first US store in New York City in 1998. Its North American headquarters are located in San Francisco, with marketing offices in New York City and Montreal. Sephora is a division of the Paris-based Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH). Sephora is known for their sampling program and for their lifetime return policy. If you purchase a particular brand and if a certain location does not carry that brand, they will still accept the product under their return policy. In 1999, Sephora launched its online shop available in nine countries. Sephora is a combination of “sephos”, which is Greek for “beauty” and the name Zipporah, the exceptionally beautiful wife of Moses in the Book of Exodus. The name Zipporah in the Greek Old Testament (LXX or Septuagint) is rendered, Sephora. The Sephora logo is a white “S” shaped flame against a black background.

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