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Dryer Vent Safety Tool

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At Dryer Vent Wizard, we take pride that we are helping homeowners and apartment managers prevent dryer vent fires and other dryer vent hazards. At the same time, we are keeping their utility bills down with a semi-annual dryer vent cleaning.

Causes of Dryer Vent Hazards and Dryer Vent Fires:

* Lack of maintenance is a contributing factor.
* People just aren’t cleaning lint traps as often as they should.
* People are not checking and cleaning vent systems on a periodic basis.
* Reduced air flow results from lint buildup in the screen or other areas around the dryer, causing dryer to perform poorly, operate at elevated temperatures and possibly overheat.

* Problems can also occur if consumers place improper items in their dryers, such as foam backed rugs or athletic shoes, or vent their appliances with plastic, vinyl or aluminum foil exhaust materials.
A simple solution

* To achieve optimal air flow and reduce lint buildup, an all-metal dryer vent or duct is recommended.
* Rigid or flexible metal venting and ducting materials help sustain air flow, as well as reduce operating costs and extend the life of the dryer and clothing, due to lower drying temperatures.

Dryer Vent Wizard is here to assist you with all your dryer venting needs.

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