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CloroxAnywhere Hard Surface Daily Sanitizing Spray

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Kill 99.9% of bacteria: E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus (Staph.) and Streptococcus (Strep.)

Don’t let illness causing bacteria harm you and your loved ones. Get your CLOROX Anywhere Hard Surface Daily Sanitizing Spray. Clorox Anywhere Hard Surface daily sanitizing spray is a convenient way to sanitize. It’s gentle enough to use on hard, nonporous surfaces around kids and food, yet powerful enough to kill 99.9% of common household bacteria, E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus (Staph) and Streptococcus (Strep.)*.

*when used as directed on hard, nonporous surfaces.

Plus, since it has no harsh fumes and leaves no harmful residue, it needs no wiping or rinsing. It’s the perfect daily sanitizing spray to use all over your home, anytime you need it. and use it everywhere germs are bound to be! Simply take our survey and complete the participation requirements where you sample & purchase products of interest. It’s that easy!

CLOROX Anywhere Spray doesn’t leave a dangerous chemical residue. It is safe to use everyday on all your hard surfaces. Plus, it’s gentle enough to use around kids, pets and food. Use CLOROX Anywhere on:

• Counters • Shower Curtains
• Appliances • Faucets
• Sinks • Doorknobs
• Tables • Toilet Seats
• Plastic Cutting Boards • Bathtubs
• High chairs • Pacifiers
• Lunch Boxes • Changing Tables
• Baby Toys • Baby Bottles
• Pet Bowls • Litter Boxes
• Telephones • & more!

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