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Friendly’s Birthday Club

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Friendly Ice Cream Corporation is the owner and operator of the Friendly’s restaurant chain on the east coast of the United States. Founded in 1935 in Springfield, Massachusetts by two young brothers, 18-year-old Curtis Blake and 20-year-old S. Prestley Blake, their first shop only served double-dip cones for 5 cents. Many Friendly’s have an old-fashioned street clock at the entrance of the restaurant with the name of the town, although newer and renovated stores do not have these. The company has 16,000 employees, and Ned R. Lidvall is the president and CEO.[2]

Currently, 505 Friendly’s restaurants can be found in the following 16 states along the East Coast of the United States: Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont and Virginia.

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