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$2 Off Coupon For Purina Puppy Chow

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Puppy Chow (also known as dog food, Chex Muddy Buddies, Monkey Munch, and more recently Chewbacca Chew) is a United States chocolate snack intended for people. It is most often consumed in the northwestern Midwest, including South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Nebraska. Different versions of the recipe call for different levels of ingredients, but they all produce the same result: Melted chocolate and cereal coated with powdered sugar. The main ingredient is a cereal such as Chex or Crispix. Any variety of Chex can be used, but rice is usually used. Crispix are half rice and half corn. The cereal is mixed with melted chocolate chips, butter (or a butter substitute), vanilla, and creamy peanut butter. After mixing, the result is coated with powdered sugar, usually added by shaking it together in a plastic storage container. Once coated, it may be placed in the refrigerator or freezer to cool.

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